Monday 23 July 2012
Germany likely to support anti-dumping investigation against China firms
China's Ministry of Commerce announced on July 20 to begin anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations on imported polysilicon. At the same time, during an interview, Germany's environment...
Tuesday 17 July 2012
Price of mono-crystalline solar cells falls by 10% since 2Q12
The price of mono-crystalline solar cells has fallen to US$0.58-0.60/watt from US$0.67-0.68/watt in the beginning of the second quarter, a price fall around 10%. This is one of the...
Friday 13 July 2012
Germany solar energy firms soliciting investments from Taiwan
Taiwan's Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has offered local solar energy firms a list of counterparts in Germany that have gone bankrupt recently and...
Friday 13 July 2012
The future of the industry: By consumers, for consumers
Twenty years ago, technological innovations were driven by demand from large companies, governments and the military. Today, the world is led by consumerism, and meeting consumers'...
Wednesday 11 July 2012
Bulgaria cuts solar FITs by 50%
Following Germany's April 1 solar incentive cut policies, Bulgaria announced 50% solar incentive cuts in effect on July 1. Italy has been rumored to announce new Conto Energia 5 (CE5)...
Wednesday 4 July 2012
Germany passes April 1 solar incentive cuts with minor changes
The government of Germany has passed its April 1 incentive cuts program with minor changes. The annual installation target remains at 2.5-3GW and as accumulated installations reach...
Friday 29 June 2012
Digitimes Research: Germany solar installations reach 1.8GW in 1Q12
Germany solar installations reached 1.8GW in first-quarter 2012. In particular, solar installations in March alone reached 1.15GW. Shipments to the solar market in Europe have been...
Thursday 28 June 2012
Price of 6-inch mono-crystalline solar wafers in China drops to US$1.45/unit
The price of 6-inch mono-crystalline solar wafers in China has fallen to US$1.45/unit, from US$1.60/unit in mid-February. Industry sources noted that pricing is likely to drop to...
Wednesday 27 June 2012
Germany review committee to announce results on April 1 incentive cuts on June 27
Germany's April 1 solar incentive cuts were halted by the Bundesrat (Federal Council) for reviews. The review committee will announce its decision on June 27. Industry sources noted...
Friday 15 June 2012
New solar PV system installations in Europe expected to grow at 10GW per year in next 2-3 years
Countries in Europe have been deducting solar incentives to try to control installations. Germany seeks to limit new installations to 2.5-3.5GW per year while Italy's aim is 1-2GW...
Monday 11 June 2012
Intersolar Europe to act as an indicator for 3Q12 market conditions
Intersolar Europe Exhibition is going to take place in Munich, Germany from June 13-15. Several topics will be in focus such as the problem of Europe's debt crisis and incentive policies...
Tuesday 5 June 2012
Devaluation of Euro to affect 3Q12 solar installations in Europe
Taiwan-based solar cells have been sold using US dollar quotes. However, the recent debt crisis in Europe, which has been causing the devaluation of the euro, is likely to affect...
Friday 25 May 2012
SolarWorld welcomes decision on anti-dumping duties on solar products from China
SolarWorld AG, a Germany-based solar firm that has branch offices in the US, welcomes the preliminary decision of the US Department of Commerce to impose anti-dumping duties on solar...
Tuesday 15 May 2012
Germany FIT uncertainty ignites hope for Europe solar market in 3Q12
The Germany government's solar feed-in tariff (FIT) reductions, which took effect on April 1, may have to be revised because Germany Bundesrat (Federal Council) last week did not...
Wednesday 2 May 2012
Digitimes Research: April 1 solar FIT cuts in Germany to negatively impact solar spot prices
The German parliament adopted a bill introducng a new solar feed-in-tariff (FIT) policy at the end of March 2012. The new policy, which took effect on April 1, 2012, cuts FITs for...