In light of the global effort to find alternatives to x86 systems amidst increasing demand, RISC-V systems are emerging as a solution to various challenges. Madhav Rao, senior vice...
Despite reports about the U.S. government discouraging its semiconductor industry from developing applications using the RISC-V open standard instruction set architecture (ISA,) companies...
The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently published a paper in the journal Fundamental Research introducing their "Big Chip" archit...
India, one of the global IC design hubs, has the potential to become a RISC-V hub. India's telecom bill may pave the way for efficient satellite spectrum distribution.
India is one of the fastest-growing countries in the technology segment. The recent push to encourage the semiconductor industry is adding impetus to this, with href=""...
Sophgo and T-head, in collaboration with Shandong University (SDU), have achieved a significant feat by deploying a RISC-V CPU server cluster in the cloud. David Chen, Alibaba's Ecosystem...
Qualcomm announced on October 17 that they are forming a long-term collaboration with Google by jointly launching a RISC-V-based wearable device solution, which will be equipped with...
Amidst the ongoing US and China tech rivalry, Chinese microcontroller (MCU) companies are actively developing MCUs with the RISC-V architecture to break through the technology sanctions...