Monday 15 August 2022
FocalTech supplies AMOLED TDDI for new Oppo wearable
Oppo has rolled out its first wearable series featuring LTPO AMOLED display technology, with FocalTech Systems being the exclusive supplier of related AMOLED TDDI chips.
Wednesday 13 July 2022
Falling DDI prices to erode suppliers' profitability in 2H22
Display driver IC prices have come under further downward pressure, making it more difficult for chip suppliers to maintain profit growth in the second half of this year, according...
Tuesday 5 July 2022
IC design houses brace for weak 3Q22
IC design houses are bracing for a particularly weak third-quarter 2022 while also having difficulty negotiating lower foundry quotes, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Thursday 23 June 2022
Mobile phone IC prices feel pressure to drop
Prices for chips used in mobile phones, such as LCD touch and display driver integration (TDDI) chips, are under increasing pressure to fall further in the second half of 2022, according...
Friday 17 June 2022
Backend firms see slowdown in demand for large-size DDIs, TDDIs
Taiwan-based backend houses have seen demand for large-size display driver ICs (DDI) and touch and display driver integration (TDDI) chips decelerate due to weakness in the TV, notebook,...
Tuesday 17 May 2022
DDI prices under strengthening downward pressure
LCD display driver IC (DDI) prices, particularly those for handsets, are poised to fall further in the second quarter of 2022, and even handset-use OLED DDI prices are likely to fall...
Tuesday 10 May 2022
DDI makers to see 3Q22 shipments boosted by car, specialty applications
Display driver IC (DDI) demand for handsets and other consumer devices has been sluggish and market prospects remain uncertain for the third quarter, prompting DDI makers to switch...
Tuesday 19 April 2022
IC design houses see more order cutbacks from China phone brands
Chinese brand mobile phone vendors have further cut chip orders for the second quarter, casting a shadow over the demand prospects for the second half of the year, according to sources...
Monday 18 April 2022
Elan eyeing large in-cell TDDIs for notebooks as new growth driver
Taiwan-based Elan Microelectronics, specializing in touchscreen controllers for PC applications, expects its newly developed large-size TDDI chips for notebooks to start contributing...
Tuesday 12 April 2022
Taiwan DDI makers facing demand uncertainty in 2Q22
Taiwan-based display driver IC suppliers, most of whom have reported brisk sales results for the first quarter of 2022, are bracing for a challenging second quarter amid demand uncertainty,...
Thursday 24 March 2022
Handset TDDI chip prices to fall further in 2Q22
Handset TDDI (touch/display driver integration) chip prices will likely fall more significantly in the second quarter of 2022, as handset sales particularly sales by Chinese vendors...
Monday 14 March 2022
Nexchip approved to list on Shanghai STAR
Foundry house Nexchip Semiconductor, a joint venture between Taiwan's Power Semiconductor Manufacturing and the Hefei city government of China's Anhui province, has secured recently...
Friday 11 March 2022
IC design houses expect lower-than-expected shipments in 1H22
Taiwan-based IC design houses have quietly revised downward their shipment targets for the first half of 2022, due mainly to disappointing smartphone sales, according to industry...
Friday 11 March 2022
Taiwan IC design houses focus more on automotive electronics
Taiwan-based IC design houses including display driver IC (DDI) companies, network IC specialist, and suppliers of sensors, audio chips and MEMS microphones have all put increased...
Thursday 3 March 2022
Chip shipments for consumer devices back to seasonal pattern in 1Q22
With pandemic-induced stay-at-home economy gradually subsiding, IC designers are seeing their shipments for consumer electronics return to traditional sales pattern in the first quarter...