Elon Musk is scheduled to visit India and meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Global IC design houses speeded up investments in India by setting up global capability cen...
Micron Technology has qualified a full suite of its automotive-grade memory and storage solutions for Qualcomm Technologies' Snapdragon Digital Chassis, a comprehensive set of cloud-connected...
In just ten months, Tesla CEO Elon Musk plans to meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the second time, a move that may entail announcing an EV manufacturing facility and positioning...
Weeks after India lowered its basic customs duty for imported Electric Vehicles (EVs) to encourage importers to make EVs in India, Tesla is reportedly scouting for lands in three...
Multiple Chinese media reported that prices of Silicon Carbide (SiC) substrate and epitaxy have fallen rapidly in recent months in China, as manufacturers from China and abroad are...
Two pieces of news regarding smartphone makers-turned-car producers stood out in the first quarter of 2024: Apple reportedly canceled its vehicle project, and Xiaomi rolled out its...
As India progresses in its Make-in-India initiative, particularly regarding semiconductor manufacturing, experts believe it will enter a period when investment begins to pick up.