Liteon+ aims to boost startup innovation

Siu Han, Taipei; Judy Lin, DIGITIMES Asia 0


Liteon Technology recently co-hosted its first Demo Day for its Liteon+ startup platform. The company presented the performance of five startups including PackAge+ and Elephantech.

Investment talks have already begun with a deal set to be announced soon. The collaboration is said to be related to the corporate transformation of Liteon.

Senior director of Liteon Startup Office Chen Hong-ming said the company now provides three startup resources, including a co-working space, direct contact with Liteon's internal business units, and strategic investment. Liteon+ helps startups leverage those practical resources to get their ideas off the floor for implementation, Chen added.

Liteon is leveraging external venture capital resources with partners such as Mesh Ventures and M.I.H. Capital Management. The company refers startups to venture capital partners and invites those partners to help accelerate the incubation process or to co-invest.

Liteon told DIGITIMES that it plans to integrate its supply chain with upstream to downstream resources to help startups with the potential to grow.

PackAge+, a startup that designs and produces reusable packages, has been working with Liteon to develop solutions for electronic manufacturing companies at a pilot site in Kaohsiung. Liteon will also implement PackAge+ products into the logistic systems of its brand-name shops and cooperate with social enterprises to increase job opportunities for the disadvantaged.



Elephantech is a startup from Japan. Liteon has signed an MoU with Elephantech to introduce its Pure-Additive technology to produce soft PCBs

The process involves combining metal inkjet printing technology with copper plating. Copper wires are then printed onto a resin substrate before they are plated to increase the thickness.

Since only a small amount of copper needs to be added to the necessary locations, the overall amount of material used is extremely small. The process results in a significantly reduced carbon footprint.

Mass production will begin in 2025. The process will later be applied to Lite-On's products.

Sounds Great develops power chips with semiconductor technology. This breaks through the technological limitations and volume constraints of the traditional production method of electromagnetic power components and reduces the size of existing products by more than 30%.

This technological breakthrough allows terminal products to obtain more derived functionality changes the habits of consumers.