Morglory launches new single-crystal diamond disks

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Morglory launches new single-crystal diamond disks. Credit: Morglory

Global leading single-crystal diamond technology enters the CMP process application market

Taiwan - As the semiconductor industry continues to advance, the demand for precision processing becomes increasingly critical.

Dr. Song, a global leader in the development of semiconductor process consumables, recently announced the launch of a revolutionary product—a new generation of single-crystal diamond disks. This product is poised to transform the technical standards of Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) processes. The new generation of diamond disks surpasses existing products in performance and marks the first global application of single-crystal diamond technology in CMP process consumables, heralding a new chapter in CMP technology.

Technical breakthrough: Single-crystal diamond laser-cut pyramid tips

The birth of the new generation of single-crystal diamond disks is attributed to cutting-edge single-crystal diamond manufacturing technology. Traditional CMP consumable products largely rely on polycrystalline synthetic diamonds.

However, the newly launched single-crystal diamond disk achieves an extreme pyramid tip structure through precise laser-cutting technology. This structure not only enhances the disk's durability and wear resistance but also provides more stable cutting forces during processing, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of the CMP process.

The single-crystal diamond laser-cutting technology is key to this breakthrough. This technology ensures that the height, angle, and spacing characteristics of each diamond apex are entirely stable and controllable. Additionally, it allows for customized design and manufacturing according to specific customer requirements, providing optimal solutions for various CMP processes.

Customized design and manufacturing to meet diverse process needs

The new generation of single-crystal diamond disks excels in standardized products and offers a high degree of customization in design and manufacturing. This product can be tailored and optimized for various CMP process needs, ensuring that every process step achieves optimal results. This highly flexible design capability enhances the product's market adaptability and provides more options for enterprises of different scales.

Currently, the new generation of single-crystal diamond disks has entered the trial phase with several semiconductor process manufacturers. The disks exhibit high precision and stability in grinding effects, based on characteristics such as apex height, angle, and spacing uniformity, and have received initial positive feedback. In the future, this product is expected to be further promoted in the global semiconductor process application market, providing strong support for technological upgrades in the global semiconductor industry.

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Morglory launches new single-crystal diamond disks. Credit: Morglory

Morglory launches new single-crystal diamond disks. Credit: Morglory