India reportedly to require common charging ports for smartphones in mid-2025

Jingyue Hsiao, DIGITIMES Asia, Taipei 0

Credit: AFP

Following in the footsteps of the EU's regulations, India is reportedly considering implementing a timeline for standardized charging port requirements for consumer electronics by 2025 and 2026, a move that could potentially have the greatest impact on older iPhone models sold in India.

According to Mint, citing unnamed sources, starting from June 2025, all new smartphones and tablets sold in India must feature a common USB-C charging port. This will allow universal compatibility with a single charger and cable across devices.

Notebooks will follow suit by the end of 2026, aligning with European standards but with a six-month grace period for compliance. Basic smartphones, wearables, and hearables are currently exempt from the mandate.

Xiaomi praised the move towards a uniform charging port standard in India, emphasizing its benefits for consumers and the environment. Muralikrishnan B, president of Xiaomi India, highlighted that this initiative reduces e-waste by allowing consumers to use a single charger and cable for multiple devices, streamlining service and repair processes.

Oppo India also supported the government's decision, noting that standardizing charging ports can lower consumer costs and significantly reduce e-waste. Savio D'Souza, director of product communications at Oppo India, underscored the alignment of this initiative with Oppo's green initiatives, emphasizing the positive environmental impact of reduced e-waste and more efficient recycling processes.

However, according to an IANS report in December 2023, Apple requested the Indian government to exempt its current iPhones from the proposed regulation mandating a common USB-C charging port for electronic devices. Apple's appeal seeks to maintain the status quo for its existing iPhone models, which use proprietary charging ports distinct from USB-C.

The request underscores Apple's concerns about potential changes that could impact its product design and ecosystem in India. Apple introduced the USB type-C for its latest iPhone 15 series, while a majority of iPhones sold in India are older models.

The rumored decision came after the EU introduced a law requiring all mobile phones, tablets, and cameras sold in the region to be equipped with USB type-C charging ports by the end of 2024, with rules extending to notebooks from Spring 2026. Other countries, like Switzerland and Turkey, are following the EU's lead in introducing similar laws.

In 2022, the Indian government announced its plan to mandate uniform ports for consumer electronics following a consensus reached in a meeting with industry groups such as MAIT, FICCI, and CII. USB Type-C was selected as the standard charging port for smartphones, tablets, and notebooks as part of this initiative.