Taiwan's perovskite solar industry seeks breakthrough in global market

Rebecca Kuo, Taipei; Vyra Wu, DIGITIMES Asia 0


AMOLED is steadily gaining ground over LCD in the display market, a shift that Taiwan Perovskite Solar Corp believes mirrors the early days of perovskite solar cells. Just as AMOLED now dominates over 50% of smartphone panels after identifying the right market, perovskite solar, despite current challenges in yield, cost, and lifespan, could see similar success if it finds its niche.

Lai-chu Chen, Chairman of Taiwan Perovskite Research and Industry Alliance (TPRIA), highlighted the growing global interest in perovskite solar technology. Countries are forming alliances to integrate resources and accelerate the adoption of this next-generation solar solution. TPRIA, the first such alliance in Taiwan and the second globally, is focused on driving the commercialization of perovskite solar and exploring its role in the 2050 net-zero transition.

Chien-chih Hsin, Strategy Director at Taiwan Perovskite Solar Corp, noted that perovskite's advantages over traditional silicon solar include better performance under high temperatures and longer effective power generation hours. While the technology still faces hurdles, its potential is significant.

Hsin likened the current state of perovskite to the early development of AMOLED, which initially faced skepticism over lifespan and cost but eventually dominated the market through material and process innovations, market demand, and economies of scale. AMOLED now leads the smartphone display market, overtaking LCD.

Hsin also pointed out that just as LCD couldn't match AMOLED's thinness and flexibility, silicon solar lacks the transparency, flexibility, and efficiency of perovskite, giving the latter a potential competitive edge in the right markets.

Taiwan Perovskite Solar Corp sees strong growth prospects for perovskite in four key areas: solar-powered IoT, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), agrivoltaics, and vehicle-integrated photovoltaics (VIPV), with the first three leading the charge.

The company, in collaboration with Artificer Intelligence Window, recently unveiled a large-scale perovskite solar window, aiming to tap into the future building industry. In agrivoltaics, the "Gaia Series" test site, developed with Promate, has advanced to its third generation, now better simulating real agricultural greenhouse conditions.

In the IoT space, E Ink has expanded from black-and-white to color displays, creating new opportunities for consumer electronics. Hsin emphasized that wearables, electronic tags, calendars, and photo frames are promising applications for perovskite, especially given the short product cycles that align well with the technology's current lifespan.

Chen expressed optimism that as the path to commercialization becomes clearer, Taiwan's perovskite solar industry can achieve significant growth through collaborative efforts.